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June 10, 2016


Since 1970, IAVE has advocated for the importance of volunteering as vital to creating a fair, peaceful and compassionate world. With individual, organizational and corporate members in over 70 countries, IAVE is the largest global network of volunteer leaders working together to solve society’s pressing problems. Your financial support will help IAVE to promote volunteering...
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EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS TO ADVANCE VOLUNTEERING WORLDWIDE Volunteering Worldwide IAVE believes that leadership organizations focused on valuing, supporting and developing volunteering provide a catalyst to enhance our common mission, getting more people involved as volunteers and raising awareness on the strategic value of volunteering, all while building key-partnerships to develop and execute successful initiatives. Thus,...
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A GLOBAL NETWORK OF Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders IAVE’s Global Corporate Volunteer Council (GCVC) is the only leadership network for global companies, headquartered throughout the world, that share a commitment to engaging their employees as volunteers in their communities. By equipping CSR professionals with the tools and resources they need, GCVC helps its members advance...
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